Friday, October 26, 2007

My First Month

Krystiana's due date was July 30th, 2007. Two weeks before her due date I was having some strange contractions so decided to go into the hospital to see what was going on. An ultrasound quickly revealed the cause of my discomfort...She never turned and was in breech position. After unsuccessfully trying to turn her around (something I never want to experience again) we were told a c-section was our only option.
My c-section was scheduled for a week later. I showed up to the hospital at 6am and she was born by 8:48am. After nine months of anticipation for what birth was going to be contractions, no labor, nothing! I had my beautiful baby girl and didn't have to do any work! She came out screaming and the nurses instantly commented on how much she looked like her daddy.

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